1. 本校所提供之衛生紙遇水即離散,請直接丟入馬桶內直接沖掉。The toilet paper provided by the University readily dissolves in water. Please throw all used toilet paper into the toilet.
2. 個人所攜帶的垃圾,請至大樓資源分類區分類回收。Please take all office and personal trash to the recycling area.

上面的文字看不出是中翻英還是英翻中,反正都很冗長而用字不當。「遇水即離散」不知道是哪國用詞,改為「遇水即溶(water soluble)」更為簡單明瞭。「直接丟入馬桶直接沖掉」,用了兩個「直接」,有這麼急嗎?...all used toilet paper...一定要「用過的(used)」才能丟到馬桶嗎?
1. 所提供之衛生紙遇水即溶,可直接丟入馬桶沖掉。Provided toilet paper is water soluble. Throw it into the toilet and flush after use.
2. 個人與辦公室垃圾請攜至大樓資源分類區回收。Please take office and personal trash to the recycling area.
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